Discussion Board Principles


  1. Purposeful engagement: using the discussion forum as a learning tool and environment for Alfred Health’s Nurse Practitioner community.
  2. Clinically oriented,  subject matter and discussions are focussed on clinical cases (decoded) for purposes of learning and development
  3. Respectful behaviour and tone to fellow participants as well as patients other professionals and professional areas.  The discussion forum is a resource for professional support.  
  4. Constructive with discussion focussed on what can be learnt and understood from online forum discussions and subject matter.  Requires participant ability to give and receive constructive feedback that can be used positively
  5. Collaborative: with participants regularly contributing, provide areas of enquiry and learning that encourages engagement and deepens and extends the online discussion. 
  6. Professionalism and extending existing professional codes to the discussion board, in particular ensuring the confidentiality of data and cases provided and where possible providing decoded information.   
  7. Accessible with  participants using global terms and language that includes all participants

Mechanism:  A rotating moderator provides oversight of discussion Boards to ensure principles are met and supported by the participants.